Support forum for your suggestions, questions and to notify us of any issues you may encounter.
Under review

Using formats other than As a....

Colm O'hEocha 10 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 10 years ago 1
User Stories are about telling stories of how the system will be used, how it will add value - its the telling and conversation thats important, not the writing. This tool seems to force the 'As a <role>' type format on the description - would be great if this could be changed to free format to suit situations where this format isn't applicable/desired. Not everything on a product backlog can best be described in terms of a user story (e.g. we need to upgrade to the latest database before the vendor stops supporting our old version...).
Love the simplicity and speed of this tool - the first I've come across that can be used in a group setting without slowing everything down...
Under review

Ability to paste multple acceptance criteria at one time

mwfrantz 13 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 years ago 4
I often have multiple ATs in Excel or TFS and want to just copy and paste them all in one operation.  I attempted it but it just put them all into a single bullet.
Thanks for the feedback mate, I will take a look and include in the next set of updates.

Deleting Backlog

Cie Studios 12 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 years ago 1

I accidently entered a second backlog for the same project, and I can't find a way to delete it. 


Hi there

To delete a backlog, I admit could be deemed a bit cryptic, but follows a reasonably standard user experience from other web applications which is to keep less used features in the settings section.  

To delete a backlog, simply go to the backlog, click Settings, and Delete is available on the right hand side.




Backlog group by theme or absolute priority.

dgaruccio 11 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 11 years ago 2
I love the ability to view the backlog by theme. During sprint plannings meeting however, it is difficult to determine the absolute priority. It would be nice if there was an option whether or not group by theme (or another view) to make prioritizing and work selection during sprint planning easier.  Currently we have to print all cards and to it on the table, then update the site.
We know this is an issue and will do something to resolve this.  Out of interest, would you be willing to pay for access to easyBacklog as we are struggling to justify the time on this project building new features when we provide this service for free?
Under review

allow to color all stories in a sprint

Michael Terkowski 13 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 years ago 4
As a product owner I want to be able to differnitate between stories in the sprint and other backlog stories, so I know what is being worked on while I am grooming the backlog.

Couple of ideas: create a filter that colors all stories in progress, or have "change color" icons in the sprint tab (for a single or all stories in that sprint)


Overview of all projects in one report

ivanvart 13 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 years ago 1
We are working in more than one project at the same time, as a Scrum Master I would like to have one report with the full overview  of all projects (or backlogs), So I can check the performance (qty sprint, qty stories, velocity, remain stories to complete) and take an action.
Under review

Releases and Themes.

Sergi Casbas 12 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 years ago 0

To manage large projects a kind of releases or milestones will be usefull, since themes don't fit to this behavior. Be desireable if the reports add some stats about them. For example statistics could be filtered by all backlog or only for next release. Anyway themes will be reconverted in more easly only adding filters in stats. 


We are considering support for releases, however at present we don't have this in our backlog of features to be added as we are not sure it is needed for most users.  However, thanks for the feedback as it helps us to understand what people need.  We will see if we can find a solution.

FYI, there is a related discussion at


Can I add a new column for the backlog theme

Sri-DS 11 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 11 years ago 0

I would like to add additinal column for the back log theme is that possible? 


Sorry, unfortunately not.

Under review

Unable to Delete Stories

Bryan 10 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 10 years ago 3
I am trying to delete a story from my backlog, but I just keep getting "unable to delete story".