Support forum for your suggestions, questions and to notify us of any issues you may encounter.
Under review

Rearrange a user story to a specific position on the backlog

Bianca Griffioen 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 jaar geleden 1

I'd like to be able to rearrange a user story by telling it (after or before) what other user story it should be. When I start up a new Product Backlog user stories are not immediately prioritised. When I want to rearrange according to the right priorities, dragging&dropping takes a lot of time. 

Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 jaar geleden

Hi Bianca

Are you saying you would for example like to be able to press a button on a particular story to add a story above or below that story?  I am not sure I understand the problem clearly.



flexible grid

Ron Kramer 10 jaar geleden 0
Make the data eatery grid flexible during editing of a particular record

Undo function

Martin Georgiev 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 14 jaar geleden 0
It will be nice to be able to undo a deleted story.
you can probably hold the command history on the client so you don't have to change the backend.
Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 14 jaar geleden
I don't think this is a priority at this stage.  We already ask you to confirm you want to delete a story, so I don't think this is necessary at this stage. 
Thanks for the suggestion though.
Under review

I can't add a new user story after some time without activity

Roberto Hernández 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 jaar geleden 2
After some time (maybe 15 minutes) with not activity, for example in a break to eat, when I return to my computer and try to add a new User Story, i can't , because the button disappers, and I need to reload the page.
Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 jaar geleden
Hi Roberto

Please see this post,  We had this issue some time back, but we managed to finally replicate the issue, identify the problem and fix it.  However, it's worrying to hear that somehow you have experienced this issue again.  I have checked with the developers, and there is no code that runs after a period of inactivity, so it's very odd that you say the button disappears after some time.  We will run some tests locally to see if we can replicate the issue again, but I somehow think that the problem was more likely to be triggered by an action as opposed to just leaving the browser open.

I know this is a pain for you, but would you mind seeing if you can replicate the issue again and tell me the steps we can follow to replicate it?

Can you make sure you post in here if you see this problem again as then we'll know it's not a once off?

And also, can you tell me what browser and OS you are using?


Losing acceptance criteria when tabbing through the back log

Martin Georgiev 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 jaar geleden 2
When you have a long backlog e.g Market Directories (changes) and you are tabbing through it from top down and you tab through a story that has 2 acceptance criteria from time to time the second one just disappears and you can't get it back. 
It doesn't happend to items with one AC.
Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 jaar geleden
Good spot Martin, and apologies if this caused you to lose any data.  I believe the problem is now fixed and was introduced a few days ago when we released automatic URL linking and concatenating for acceptance criteria and comments

Add a background colour to Theme

Martin Georgiev 14 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 14 jaar geleden 0
Hi Matt,

it will be nice to be able to add background colour to a whole theme. 

In my particular case I need to write stories for a basic version, more expensive version and one that has all the bells and whistles. It will be nice if I can leave all the basic stories as while and set a colour for the themes that will not go into the basic version.

Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 14 jaar geleden
This is a duplicate request, so closing this one down
Not a bug

acceptance criteria not printed

Roger Stich 13 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 jaar geleden 2

today i found out that sometimes easybacklog doesnt print all acceptance criteria. In these Case there where many criterias and there was just not enough room in that layout.

While i understand that you dont want to mess up your layout i think we need an solution for that. Because having many acceptance critrias for a userstory are nothing special in SCRUM. And printing is absolute critical, because the daily work has to be done at the Task Board with printet user story cards and then i need all criterias.

At least the absolute minimum is that i need a message or somekind of information that i have too many criterias to print the story.
(But this still doesnt solve the problem that i cant do anything about it)

Maybe if you print the userstory as many times as you need to print the criterias.
(e.g. criteria 1-5 at first card 6-8 at the second)

Hope you find an solution

Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 jaar geleden
Hi Roger

This should not happen.  The acceptance criteria should get really small, but not be cut off.  In fact, we introduced a fix for this some time back, so I am surprised to hear that you have experienced this issue.

Can you tell me which backlog (the ID in the URL) this is for, and which story, and I will replicate the issue and get this fixed?


API - Unauthorized

Lang Sepp 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 jaar geleden 0

I tried to get acces to your API via HTTP request but I cant authorize me.

More informations on the image belowImage 13

The request look like this:

Accept: */*

Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 jaar geleden

We apologise, but we recently migrated a database and forgot to update the references with the API web service, meaning unfortunately all of our monitoring continued to work but all requests were going to an old database.

This is issue is now resolved.  Please post in here if this issue still persists.

Under review

support for Chinese

Harold Sun 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 9 jaar geleden 1
Easybacklog is very attractive to our product owners. Please add support for Chinese so that our team members can use this tool.
Under review

Personas by project

Sara Tuna 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 11 jaar geleden 0

Hi, i sugest that tipo of persona could be added by project and then associated in every story

Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 11 jaar geleden

But the list of personas automatically updates as you add in new personas, and then suggests existing personas.  I am not quite sure I understand the problem.