Support forum for your suggestions, questions and to notify us of any issues you may encounter.

Just want to say thanks for giving us the ability to move themes to different backlogs. YAY!

Mark Suman fa 13 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 13 anys 1
You can close this as soon as you read it. Just wanted to say thanks! I've been wanting to reorganize my backlogs, but was dreading having to reenter everything. Thank you, thank you!

Adding Sprint Notes

Philip Karash fa 11 anys 0
I would like to be able to do is to add notes to a Sprint. For instance, I would like to be able to note changes in staff, add impediments, etc to have a reference for reasons a sprint may or may not have completed all of it's user stories.
Under review

show comments in sprint view

Mark Stewart fa 12 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 12 anys 0

It would be helpful if you could include comments from the story card in the sprint view.


Hi Mark

We are planning on introducing a detail view whereby you can double click on a story and edit it.  That would mean comments are not shown in the default sprint view, but would be visible if you explore further.  Would that suffice?



Other task formats than user story?

j00ris fa 10 anys 0
Apart from product features, we might enter services and support tasks, for which the user story format might not always make sense.

Generate the burn up chart per theme

Taylor Gautier fa 13 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 13 anys 0
As noted in another comment, we've found themes to not be useful as categorization due to lack of ability to prioritize the backlog into a single stack ranked order, but rather we use them more akin to release planning where themes are large units of time, e.g. milestones, alpha/beta/released, or per quarter.

As such, if the burn-up chart could be generated per theme, it would allow me to have visibility into my entire release milestone by milestone.
Hi Taylor

I understand that you don't use themes in the traditional manner, however I don't think providing this type of chart would be useful for most users, so I don't think we'd be doing this.  Instead I would prefer to give you the ability to rank your stories independently of themes.

Under review

Consider using current active filter when exporting as Excel

uld fa 12 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 12 anys 0
With filter it is possible to hide stories in sprint for instance. However exporting to excel, export all stories.


Unfortunately this is not a feature that is included right now, however you can use Excel filtering which is very powerful and easy to use.  Have you tried that?

Under review

Remove the word 'can' in 'So i can'

NeedRaf Maluhg fa 12 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 12 anys 2

Please remove the word 'can' in 'So i can'

As a player

I want to use this powerup

So i want don't stay stuck in a level

As a player

I want to see a button to use a powerup

So i want clearly understand my options

Great product by the way ! 


Hi NeedRaf

This is a good idea, perhaps we should instead look at some way to allow you to customise the text on a per project basis instead of trying to change it to suit everyone.  Do you think that would work for you?


Under review

Choose what values get exported in the excel sheet.

Takis Tap fa 13 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 13 anys 1
Eg i don't want to communicate the costvalues in my excel sheet.
Hi there

Do you want to the cost value to not be included in the UI interface (website) as well as the spreadsheet, or just the spreadsheet?  If the latter, you can easily just delete the column after exporting.


Tabular print feature

Christopher Johnson fa 13 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 13 anys 2
I would like to be able to print out sprints and backlogs in table form (not card form), so I can review them all on a single piece of paper. The way they look in the table view on the screen is pretty much the way I would like to see them layed out on the paper. There is no way to currently do this with either the print cards feature or by using the browser's print feature. The latter defaults to an outline view. Perhaps there is a css solution?
Hi Chris

One solution would be to export in Excel format and print from there.  Good point though, we've not really had anyone ask for this before, so perhaps we need to give users an option when going to print.

Under review

as a user I would like to chat with another user in the same backlog so I may coordinate with them

Patrick Hurley fa 10 anys updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 10 anys 1
I would like to be able to have a chat session with a user that is editing the same backlog that I am editing. It is helpful to be able to see who is in the backlog, I would like it if when I mouse over their name I have the option to chat with them.