Under review

Remove the word 'can' in 'So i can'

NeedRaf Maluhg 11 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 11 years ago 2

Please remove the word 'can' in 'So i can'

As a player

I want to use this powerup

So i want don't stay stuck in a level

As a player

I want to see a button to use a powerup

So i want clearly understand my options

Great product by the way ! 


Under review

Hi NeedRaf

This is a good idea, perhaps we should instead look at some way to allow you to customise the text on a per project basis instead of trying to change it to suit everyone.  Do you think that would work for you?


Under review

Hi NeedRaf

This is a good idea, perhaps we should instead look at some way to allow you to customise the text on a per project basis instead of trying to change it to suit everyone.  Do you think that would work for you?


Yes ! But just removing it and let me type the verb would be easier to develop and as efficient.

The customize the text option could work also as long as you let me keep it empty.

Thanks !

Sure, we would, but oddly you are the first person to ask for this.  We'll see what we can do in our next iteration.