
Generate the burn up chart per theme

Taylor Gautier 13 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 years ago 0
As noted in another comment, we've found themes to not be useful as categorization due to lack of ability to prioritize the backlog into a single stack ranked order, but rather we use them more akin to release planning where themes are large units of time, e.g. milestones, alpha/beta/released, or per quarter.

As such, if the burn-up chart could be generated per theme, it would allow me to have visibility into my entire release milestone by milestone.


Hi Taylor

I understand that you don't use themes in the traditional manner, however I don't think providing this type of chart would be useful for most users, so I don't think we'd be doing this.  Instead I would prefer to give you the ability to rank your stories independently of themes.

Hi Taylor

I understand that you don't use themes in the traditional manner, however I don't think providing this type of chart would be useful for most users, so I don't think we'd be doing this.  Instead I would prefer to give you the ability to rank your stories independently of themes.
