Filter in-progress stories from backlog


Need total backlog
Completed items are no longer backlog, so if the program is going to show only one number, it should be the size of the backlog (not including accepted items).
As a workaound, I will need to delete accepted items to get a correct number for my backlog (some have hundreds of items, if I have to export to Excel and filter to get a total backlog, it is no longer an easy backlog :-)

Hi Tony
To be honest, I completely agree it should work like this. At present this is not the way the system works, but it something we will implement soon.

Add background colour to themes

Burndown needed for the active sprint
Normally in Scrum, the burndown chart is updated daily and visible to the team during the course of the sprint. It's used by the team and the scrum master so they can see if they are going off track.

Allow to create Epics between Themes and User Stories
As a product owner working with product backlogs, I usually work with three levels of specification: Themes, Epics and User Stories. This a very common way to structure a product backlog.
So, it would be great to be able to start a backlog only with Themes and Epics, and as the project evolves through backlog grooming of prioritized Epics, User Stories would start to be written.

quick search in sprint view
it would be cool if i could use a quick search in the sprint view.
The Task i want to achieve is that i have a Story which i know very exactly (ID and the Text of the Story also, even aceptance criterias i know) because i took that story from another sprint.
Then i switched to the new sprint and have an enormous list of storys to the right.
Know i have 2 ways to find my story:
1. i scroll through the list but its a very very long list.....
2. i switch to backlog view and then pick the story from there
if i have an quick search in the sprint view it would be way easier.

Hi Roger
We agree completely, we need a search for larger backlogs. It is something we are working on. I will drop you a line as soon as we have something you can use.
Thanks for the feedback, and we'll do our best to get something out there for you.

export xls
I am new to this site. easyBacklog does look very good to me, and seemd to be the solution that I need, However, I cannot open the .xls file that comes with the export. I am using libre office I also tried on google docs.
What I am trieing to achive, is that I want a complete list of backlog items I can then print and put in my teamroom, so that everybody can see the backlog.

Ability to split a story


Add notes/comments for a theme

It woudl be good to have a Release Version field

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