Under review
Themes should be tags
Themes affect the sorted priority of the backlog when planning for the next sprint.
It would be nice to group by tags, without affecting the ordering of PBI.

Under review
Hi Barrrett
I'm not sure I completely understand what you are asking for. As you have said, currently stories are grouped under theme, so the theme ordering takes precedence over story ordering. We are in fact considering an alternative view where you can order stories independently of themes, but we've not consolidated how this will work yet, so have not implemented this. We are working on a solution though, so we will keep you posted on this. You can see the discussion on this at http://easybacklog.userecho.com/topic/94379-drag-and-drop-ranking-of-backlog-independent-of-themes-eg-t1s1-t2s2-etc/
However, could you elaborate on what you mean by using tags so that I can understand that requirement?

The topic you posted seems to be exactly what I'm looking for -- a prioritized backlog independent of themes.
The concept of "tags" that I suggested was a potential solution. Instead of grouping stories into Themes, you can "tag" a given story with one (or more) themes. (Check out GMail's "labels").
This would allow users to group stories by theme, or simply show the entire sorted backlog. It would also allow stories to have more than one theme. For example, some of our themes are: Art, Engineering, Design, Leaderboards, Frontend, Backend. Many of our stories fall under multiple themes.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you need more clarification. You guys are doing an awesome job and your reaction time to my feedback is impeccable.
Thanks again!

Hi Barrett
I think stories do need to belong to one theme, but the idea of tags may in fact be useful, so you could for example tag a story with #ui, #tools, yet it belongs to the authentication theme. In fact, someone else has been asking for this, see http://easybacklog.userecho.com/topic/100322-i-would-like-the-ability-to-add-tags-to-a-story/#comment_107550, so we'll be seeing what we can do in the near future to find a solution.

For my group, I would just want to be able to give labels to stories, so I could group them by topics such as features that belong to a certain functionality, feature, screen, etc...
The reason themes don't work for us is that we want to be able to order stories independently from themes, but we would still want to be able to associate them to a a common label. Adding on that would be features to filter the backlog view based on labels. PivotalTracker has something similar implemented if you want to see a reference.
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