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Thanks Matt, all is working now, I can delete the spring, all its fixed.
Don't worry, thanks for the quickly answer
I try to enter to the webpage, but its not avaliable, only show a message:

Application Error

An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments.

If you are the application owner, check your logs for details. 

Thanks Matthew, don't worry about the time.
Hi Matthew thanks againg, I was using again the backlog and happend again, unfortunately I did not realize what i did before, because I was writting some new User Story, and suddenly the button disappeared.

I was usign Windows 7, with Firefox 12, the last time was in other pc with Windows 7 and Chrome.

The problem is that the

<li class="actions">

<a class="new-story" href="#new-story">Add story</a>

literally disappears from the code, I check the html code whit firebug.


Hi Matthew the url is this, https://easybacklog.com/accounts/365/backlogs/3890/edit#1 , I still having the problem, to delete this spring.

Ok thanks for that, i was talking about assign a user to a User history, but if you add tasks, that could be more specific and enought :).

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