link to internal ticket system
As a product owner i want to track the details of the user stories and related problems in our internal ticket system currently planned in the sprint to use the whole bandwhith of possible infos and let easybacklog be a planning tool.
I try to explain a bit further, additional infos like screenshots logfiles and other stuff we place in our internal ticket system. So every user story has a ticket number in our internal ticket system. I want a possibility to link from easybacklog to our system (simple link). Currently i write it into the comment field but this is not shown in sprint view.
I try to explain a bit further, additional infos like screenshots logfiles and other stuff we place in our internal ticket system. So every user story has a ticket number in our internal ticket system. I want a possibility to link from easybacklog to our system (simple link). Currently i write it into the comment field but this is not shown in sprint view.
Customer support service by UserEcho
All i need is the possibility that this ticket number is shown in sprintview (and story cards).
Thats the real value of this story for me.
if i can configure a link where this ticketnumber will be added, that would be the super deluxe version but to enter the number and make it visible in sprint view would be enough.