Facility to enter technical tasks for a user story
Something like a Kanban board would be really nice

give names to stories

Drag and drop ranking of backlog independent of themes (e.g. T1S1, T2S2, etc)

- When do you actually need to order these stories? The reason I ask is that grouping stories by themes seems to be a popular feature for most users, however I understand some stories in some themes may be higher priority than another theme higher in the backlog. When would you actually envisage ordering the stories and viewing the stories in order of importance?
- If we added a priority field to each story so you can enter a number say between 0 and 100, would that suffice? In the sprint view, one could then order by backlog order or priority order.
- Do you think it's necessary to have two views for the backlog, one by theme, and one which is simply a long list that you can re-order?

Naming Sprints
We don't use Sprint 1, Sprint 2... Our sprints have names, which are based around a theme. So, one team has a release theme of 'Wonders of the world', so each sprint is named after a world wonder, another has a Release named after a Rick James album, so each sprint is titled after a song from the album. Being able to call a sprint 'The Great Pyramids' or 'Love Interlude' means more to the team, PO, stakeholders and business than 'Sprint 1/2/3' does.
I'm sure this is a 'nice to have', but I thought I'd throw it in the mix for the next Fedex day. ;)

assign a user/resource to a story/task

Add Business Value Field / Theme Importance
( Theme Importance * User Story Business Value ) / User Story Points

I want to edit stories while in the sprint view


multiple users

Jira Integration

Synchronization and work simultaneously
It would be great if people could work simultaneously with the backlog. Currently, if more than 1 person works in the backlog synchronization problems will occur.

Hi Marco
We agree, it would great if we could support realtime updates to the document you are working on. It is in our backlog, and with your suggestion, we'll be prioritising this.
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