Under review

Expand and contract themes

Michael Forster 12 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 10 years ago 8
I am finding it difficult to expand and contract themes, I often have to spend time clicking around the +/-. I am using the latest version of Chrome.


Under review

Hi Michael

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

Is this a recent problem?  Are you on Mac or PC?



Under review

Hi Michael

Sorry to hear you are having issues.

Is this a recent problem?  Are you on Mac or PC?



I have experienced this problem for a long time. 
I am using a Mac and running Chrome.

It seems like you have to click a very tiny spot within the + box to make it work.
Odd, none of us can see that issue.  The hot spot area is anywhere within or on the border of the box around the plus or minus icon.  Does that not work for you?  Are you on Chrome stable or Chrome Canary?
Same problem here, using Chrome 43.0.2357.130 m on Windows 7. Backlog #139896. Not working is:
- color menu
- more-button in sprint backlog
- expand themes in backlog
I looked for RTEs in the chrome's dev tools, but couldn't find any. The expeted action is simply not carried out.

Thanks Bernd, we are looking at some browser issues with IE 11 now, so we will try and address both at the same time.
Just a guess: maybe it is related to the tooltips The click event might in some browser is captured (and not propagated) by the tooltip instead of the underlying div area.
Concerning expanding and collapsing: please don't move the icons when you expand or collapse.

If they stay in the same place, you're able to open and close them with a double click.