Initial screen is too cluttered.
I propose removing a lot of unnecessary buttons, for example make [edit] only on hover.
In the story, I don't see the reason for lines - I would prefer that the story run together as a real story would and remove the artifical lines. Love the edit capabilities for each section of the story that are hidden and not cluttered.
In the left most part of the story, why is there a cursor icon if I can click and drag to move around anywhere in the story?
Generally, the whole "ID" column adds a significant amount of UX noise that I would consider figuring out how to suppress until needed. As well, I doubt that looking at a high level summary I need acceptance criteria or comments. I probably need story points and effort estimates and that's about it.

I would also like to see the "story" box without the lines, just as one continuous sentence "as a user I want.....".
Also, the [edit] text could definitely be replaced with a hover or a tool tip.
For the color, delete, duplicate, move button bar, it could move somewhere else less obstructive, maybe lower right corner of the entire story row.

Hi Michael
Lines removed, [edit] as you suggested. Toolbar still to be done, but in our backlog.
Any further thoughts on your previous points about the high level summary and ID column?

Hi Taylor
Thanks for that feedback, it's greatly appreciated, and you've got some nice ideas. We're always looking to keep improving the interface and usability, so we take every suggestion seriously.
Let me address each one:
* Remove unnecessary buttons, such as make [edit] only visible on hover.
[MO] That's a great idea. We have some ideas to reduce all the icon buttons under each story and theme as well into one with a roll over for the tools you can access to simplify things. We'll work on both those ideas in a coming release. However, if [edit] is not there, it can also be confusing for new users who don't realise that you can edit these fields as they are just empty. We'll need to fiddle around to find the right balance.
* Lines in the story
[MO] Ok, that's a fair point, we've had them there since the beginning to try and show that these are separate editable fields, but in reality that's probably not necessary and simply clutters, so we'll fix that too with the point above.
Also, you next comment which says you would like to see the story as just one continuous sentence, this is unfortunately not possible unless we merge all 3 fields into one long bit of text, which is an option we're considering introducing.
* Cursor icon for moving
[MO] The reason that is there is because you can drag the cursor, but more importantly you can move a story to a new theme if you click on the move icon. A lot of people found it impractical to move stories between themes and asked for a simpler way. When we consolidate the icons (my first point), this will all become simpler, so we are aware of this.
* ID column
[MO] That's a tricky one, a lot of people use these IDs to keep track of which stories they have agreed with clients, discussed with the team, or placed on the board. I'm not sure how we're going to solve that one too easily without undermining needed functionality for a lot of users.
* High level summary needing acceptance criteria or comments
[MO] The backlog view is just that, it's not a high level summary. When you start working with sprints, then a concatenated view is shown with far less information. What do you need a high level view for?
* Colour, delete, button bar moving
[MO] As above, we're going to consolidate this into two buttons, one for colour, and one for actions to move, delete, duplicate or assign to sprint (new functionality). That should hopefully do the trick.
If you have any further thoughts (or don't agree with anything above), please do shout. We appreciate the feedback.

Hi Michael
I've addressed two of your suggestions:
- The lines between the user story field have been removed
- [Edit] is now almost invisible and comes alive on roll over
We are still working on the tool optimisation for each story, so I'll update this post when that is done. I hope the changes so far are useful.

Hi Michael
Thanks for the feedback.
We've just done a major revamp to the story and theme management interface, and I think we've addressed pretty much all of your comments now.
- Story and theme menu actions are found under a single tools icon simplifying the interface and removing clutter.
- You can collapse themes now.
- The lines between the user story field have been removed
- [Edit] is now almost invisible and comes alive on roll over
Shout if you have any further suggestions.
Thanks for the feedback.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for the feedback.