Not a bug
cannot undo move story in spring planning
In sprint planning mode: If I drag a story from the backlog to the current and then change my mind it still gets added.
1) Drag a story
2) Drop it back in the backlog pane (the right one).
Expected result: stay in backlog
Actual result: gets added to the sprint.
It is difficult to manual reverse that, because I have to hunt the current sprint for that story, and with no colors or other indications, it's really hard to know which story was that.

Under review
Hi Michael
This sounds like a bug, we'll prioritise this one as this needs to be fixed ASAP.
Thanks for telling me about it, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Michael
I suspect I know what the issue may be, but would like to confirm before we find a solution for this. I think what is happening is that you are dragging a story into the sprint, and when you do that, you'll notice that the story you are dropping drops onto a grey box that appears. When you drag it onto the right, and you do not drop onto a grey box, it will in fact not come out of the sprint. It will only come out of the sprint when you ensure you move the mouse to a point where the grey boxes appear on the right. I think it would make sense to move a story out of the sprint if dropped into a non-grey box area, but I wanted to first check that that is the problem you are experiencing first.
Can you confirm please?

Hi Michael
I suspect I know what the issue may be, but would like to confirm before we find a solution for this. I think what is happening is that you are dragging a story into the sprint, and when you do that, you'll notice that the story you are dropping drops onto a grey box that appears. When you drag it onto the right, and you do not drop onto a grey box, it will in fact not come out of the sprint. It will only come out of the sprint when you ensure you move the mouse to a point where the grey boxes appear on the right. I think it would make sense to move a story out of the sprint if dropped into a non-grey box area, but I wanted to first check that that is the problem you are experiencing first.
Can you confirm please?

Hi Matt,
Actually, it seems to work fine now since the gray box appears right under the dragged story. The one thing I would fix is to make the focus of where the gray box based on where is the mouse pointer, and not necessary the middle of the story div.

Ok, I'll look at refining it, although we're using a pretty standard drag & drop library so I'm not sure how much we can customise the drag target functionality.
Thanks for the feedback.

Not a bug
Hi Michael
I suspect I know what the issue may be, but would like to confirm before we find a solution for this. I think what is happening is that you are dragging a story into the sprint, and when you do that, you'll notice that the story you are dropping drops onto a grey box that appears. When you drag it onto the right, and you do not drop onto a grey box, it will in fact not come out of the sprint. It will only come out of the sprint when you ensure you move the mouse to a point where the grey boxes appear on the right. I think it would make sense to move a story out of the sprint if dropped into a non-grey box area, but I wanted to first check that that is the problem you are experiencing first.
Can you confirm please?

yes. However, it seems to be working better now (see my previous comments 2 months age).
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