Under review
Add Business Value Field / Theme Importance
It would be nice if User Stories had a Business Value field. Also, themes could have an "importance" field. Then, when planning a Sprint the backlog could be ordered by ROI, like the formula:
( Theme Importance * User Story Business Value ) / User Story Points

Under review
Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) fa 13 anys
Hi Mário
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately I'm reluctant to add even more fields at this stage as a lot of the feedback we've had has been to reduce the number of fields if possible as it's already quite busy with information. Saying that, I'll keep a note of your request here, and if other start asking for something similar, I'll certainly consider a way to integrate this.
In terms of Theme importance, the idea is that you order the themes by importance, and you order your stories by importance. So whilst there isn't a nice formula to give you a relative importance vs points required, it is quite straightforward to deduce this by simply looking at the backlog.

Under review
Hi Mário
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately I'm reluctant to add even more fields at this stage as a lot of the feedback we've had has been to reduce the number of fields if possible as it's already quite busy with information. Saying that, I'll keep a note of your request here, and if other start asking for something similar, I'll certainly consider a way to integrate this.
In terms of Theme importance, the idea is that you order the themes by importance, and you order your stories by importance. So whilst there isn't a nice formula to give you a relative importance vs points required, it is quite straightforward to deduce this by simply looking at the backlog.

Hi Matt
I think this is related to the drag and drop ranking of stories in the other issue tracker item, but it would be great to have some sort of priority field so clients can give some sort of indication of importance i.e. level 1 (must be done), 2 (desirable) and 3 (nice to have, but not a show stopper)
I understand the need to keep it simple and less is more but would be useful I think...

Thanks for the feedback Adam. Are you saying that even if we had a prioritisation view independent of themes where you could prioritise stories, you would still prefer to have a separate field for importance for each story?

Hi Matt
I think it might be a nice feature to have as a separate field.
Sometimes it is nice to allocate a priority at least to an individual user story so you can make sure that you have completed all the level 1's or 1000, or whatever the highest prioroty number is....then you can say that you are rolling all level 3's into a phase 2 for instance...
Or something like that... :)
We currently use a Google spreadsheet and have a priority column and get the client to bash through the list assigning numbers from 1000 - 0 (1000 being the highest priority) assigning 1000, 900, 800, 700 etc etc. It's just a nice way of a client quickly going througn and demonstrating what they think are the highest priority.
We then say we can do everything over a 700 for instance, 600 - 400 is a if we can squeeze it into the budget, anything below a 400 is never gonna get done and will be phase 2...
I hope that makes sense. Not sure if it specifically agile/scrum or any technique, its just sometimes useful.

Thanks Adam, we'll consider this, although one thing to bear in mind is that everything we add also has a negative impact on users who don't use that feature. We'll see if we can accommodate it, but I can't promise anything until we've thought it through.

I have no need for this right now, but I can see how it would be useful when attempting to determine priority. Being able to sort based on a weighted value could be very helpful. For example, we often try to prioritize based on story size vs. business value. Small stories with high business value would pop to the top, for example.
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