Select language per backlog
Therefore we have backlogs where we would like to write the user stories in german and in others in english. Currently this is not possible, since all user stories for us are using the template 'Als .... möchte ich .... um ...'.

This is not something we previously considered as we thought this would be an edge case, but we will certainly find a way to offer an option to override the default language on a per backlog basis.

+1 on this one, stories in english with german template are just growse. Here's an example:
"Als Technician
möchte ich be able to register myself into the system
um gain an additional profit when I select products from ..."

Hi Reinis
So if we had the option to choose European English or German in the backlog, as well as at an account level, that would solve your problem?
If so, I think we will push this change through.

This feature is now implemented.
You can now select your locale at an account level, a company level or at an individual level. You will find this in your backlog settings, and will be asked which locale you want to use when creating a backlog.
Please shout if you experience any problems.

Hi Matt,
One speck from my side:
Or even let the admin folks enter a single translation per backlog (ofcourse dunno if that is easy to implement). This would allow you to say: "Hey there are no translations for german or french or dutch, but rather - there's standard translation (in english) and you can translate to whatever you want to".
This way, some crazy folks could do even this:
"As" -> "Me the"
"I want to" -> "want to"
"in order to" -> "so that I can"
Me the Technician
want to be able to register myself into the system
in order to gain an additional profit when I select products from ...
or for some exotic language
"As" -> "Es"
"I want to" -> "gribu"
"in order to" -> "lai"
Es tehniķis
gribu reğistrēties sistēmā
lai iegūtu papildus ....
kind regards

Hi Reinis
Mind copying and pasting this requirement into a new ticket (tedious I know, but I do it then the ticket will be assigned to me) and if more people +1 it, or ask for the feature, then we'll consider it. Unfortunately for now I think the effort required versus the number of people who need it will not justify the input at this stage. However, I could be entirely wrong, and if others ask for it, we'll prioritse.

Just noticed that this is already complete!
Excellent job, works just great.

I should want to add Malagasy language. Can you tell me how to do that?

Send me your email address and I will send you a link to a document where we need a few words translated for us.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This feature is now implemented.
You can now select your locale at an account level, a company level or at an individual level. You will find this in your backlog settings, and will be asked which locale you want to use when creating a backlog.
Please shout if you experience any problems.