Under review

Story title should be highlighted for quickly scanning through a list

Ben Casey 13 years ago updated by Weener 10 years ago 10
Scanning through a list of stories to find one would be much easier if the "I want to" bit was bolded or otherwise stood out from the rest of the page text.


Under review
My only concern with this is that that may not be the case for everyone i.e. some people may find the user story part important too, or perhaps the so I can part.  In order to satisfy your need, I think I'd potentially be effecting other users who don't want this and have never asked for it to date.
Let me have a think about it and get back to you though.
Under review
My only concern with this is that that may not be the case for everyone i.e. some people may find the user story part important too, or perhaps the so I can part.  In order to satisfy your need, I think I'd potentially be effecting other users who don't want this and have never asked for it to date.
Let me have a think about it and get back to you though.
Yeah, that was my thought too. But it's hard to scan through the list when every element is in the same font. Perhaps a settings option for which part you'd like to treat as the story header? 
What do you think about having a separate (optional) story title for each story that is bolded, and appears about the as a, i want to, so I can story description?
Yep, that sounds about the best fit solution.

I'm not too keen on the separate story title myself, the "I want" section would be perfect for me. Though, saying that, I notice we do use separate titles in the office.

The use case for me is: "I'm familiar with my stories so I don't need the detail in focus, however, I want to quickly scan/sort/refresh myself or surmise the list quickly for someone else"

I'm thinking a view or view option that has larger and probably bold text of the "I want" for my stories plus the number of points. I'm expecting hiding the comments and verification criteria would free up enough space to achieve this.

NB: I clicked to vote for this twice and it went to -1.

Hi RyanC

Are you saying that you would want to drop the As a.. I want to.. format, and just provide a simple free text field for the story would do, or do you think it needs to be more extensive than that?


Hey Matt, apologies that I didn't reply!

I'm not proposing any changes to the data for stories - I;d just like to highlight the "I want to" in bold when displaying the stories.

At the moment a list of stories is a huge block of text that my eye has to work to scan. Highlighting the "I want" line would make it much easier to quickly scan lists of stories. When I'm looking at a list of stories i'm wanting a quick way to recognise each one.

I understand your initial response to the OP's post. However having a screen full of text with none of it highlighted is kind of a wort case I recon. It's just so the eye doesn't have to work as hard to recognise each story - the brain would learn to recognise the "I want" section for each story I would have thought.

Thanks for the feedback, we'll consider a solution for this.

I think the story title is useful as I can easily navigate to the story I'm looking for within an epic. Without the title, this is going to prove laborious, especially when I'm with Clients. I hope this can be considered for a latter release