Under review

Edit card printing settings

Helena Biander 12 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 years ago 2

Is there a way to edit how the cards will be layouted? I want other fields (like number of story points) and be able to put all on one page (not a back and front side).


Under review

Unfortunately at this stage we don't offer any customisation for the cards.  We would certainly consider it if there is demand for it.  If you could explain in a bit more detail why you need it and what you want exactly, we can see if others vote this functionality up.

Thanks for the input.


Under review

Unfortunately at this stage we don't offer any customisation for the cards.  We would certainly consider it if there is demand for it.  If you could explain in a bit more detail why you need it and what you want exactly, we can see if others vote this functionality up.

Thanks for the input.


The way we use it today is we (unfortunately) have a team split in two locations so we use an electronic board (www.seenowdo.com). It acts like a physical board with stories, tasks, drag and drop etc, but it doesn't have any good backlog handling. I have been considering to use Easy backlog for handling the backlog, but since you don't support using it as an electronic form of the board, stay with See Now Do for that.

When we work with backlog grooming and our sprint planning we gather the entire team physically and print the stories as cards to work with them. To do this we need to have the story points on them. If we are to use Easy Backlog we would need to manually write down the story points on the cards each time we print them.

The acceptance criteria isn't such a big deal for us, but I would apprechite to be more in control of being able to add new fields. We are a maintenance team that work with many projects at the same time so I would like to be able to add a field for "Project" in addition to Theme. All in all teams work in different ways and a better customization would allow for teams to be other than standard "one project out of the box scrum".

Ok, thanks for the explanation Helena.  Definitely food for thought, we'll discuss internally to see if we can come up with a solution.