Not a bug

Incorrect days total displayed on backlog page

Ben Casey 13 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 years ago 0
The final item on this list (taken from the main Backlog page) isn't counting towards the days or cost totals. It's the same status as all the other jobs (assigned to same sprint, etc) - is there a reason it wouldn't count?
Image 12


Not a bug
After discussing with Ben, it turns out this is not a replicable issue unfortunately.
If this issue is seen again, we'll reopen this ticket.

Under review
That is very weird.  Can you send a link to the backlog so I can log in as you and see if I can replicate the issue?
Not a bug
After discussing with Ben, it turns out this is not a replicable issue unfortunately.
If this issue is seen again, we'll reopen this ticket.
