
Tabular print feature

Christopher Johnson 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 aastat tagasi 2
I would like to be able to print out sprints and backlogs in table form (not card form), so I can review them all on a single piece of paper. The way they look in the table view on the screen is pretty much the way I would like to see them layed out on the paper. There is no way to currently do this with either the print cards feature or by using the browser's print feature. The latter defaults to an outline view. Perhaps there is a css solution?


Hi Chris

One solution would be to export in Excel format and print from there.  Good point though, we've not really had anyone ask for this before, so perhaps we need to give users an option when going to print.

Hi Chris

One solution would be to export in Excel format and print from there.  Good point though, we've not really had anyone ask for this before, so perhaps we need to give users an option when going to print.

It may be that I'm older, but sometimes I find it useful to print out work and review off screen. This also lets me scribble notes in the liner, etc. The card layout does not work for this. Either an alternate layout or an export would solve my particular problem.
Ok, we'll find a solution for you.  Please use export in the meant time and print from there.  As soon as we add this feature I'll get in touch.
Hi Chris

One solution would be to export in Excel format and print from there.  Good point though, we've not really had anyone ask for this before, so perhaps we need to give users an option when going to print.
