
Global Priority Ranking across all Themes

monkeydom 12 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 12 years ago 0

According to all I've read about Scrum, having one globaly ranked backlog is key. While I like ordering the User stories into Themes for clarities sake, It makes the absolute ranking of the backlog a task that needs to be done ouside of your great app. Any chance this is a feature you are working on? I could use only one theme to have a global rank, but that also would name all my user stories like the one theme which wouldn't be very helpful too.



Sorry for the slow reply, we missed this comment, but yes, we are working on fixing this so that you can have theme and global ordering in the same backlog.


Sorry for the slow reply, we missed this comment, but yes, we are working on fixing this so that you can have theme and global ordering in the same backlog.