
Mobile App: can i use 'EasyBacklog' as part of project name?

Josef Biehler 11 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 11 years ago 1
currently i am trying to build a mobile app using phonegap and some libs.

Now i wanted to know whether i can use the name 'EasyBacklog' as part of the project name?

For those who are interested: https://github.com/gabbersepp/unofficial-easy-back...
Testbuilds (currently not working on travisci): https://travis-ci.org/gabbersepp/unofficial-easy-b...

Also i wanted to know if i can use your logo as part of a logo for that app?


Hi Josef

Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, I have been on holiday.

This is fantastic that you are building an app to plug into easyBacklog.  I am more than happy for you to use the easyBacklog name so long as you state it's not the official app.  I suppose I am just concerned from a liability perspective that if it is not use actually building it, then it's important everyone knows that.  Is that OK?

BTW. If you need any help with the APIs please shout.

Hi Josef

Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, I have been on holiday.

This is fantastic that you are building an app to plug into easyBacklog.  I am more than happy for you to use the easyBacklog name so long as you state it's not the official app.  I suppose I am just concerned from a liability perspective that if it is not use actually building it, then it's important everyone knows that.  Is that OK?

BTW. If you need any help with the APIs please shout.

That would be OK for me.

>>I am more than happy for you to use the easyBacklog name so long as you state it's not the official app.

So i think i will stick with the name "Unofficial Easybacklog Mobile App" :D

>> BTW. If you need any help with the APIs please shout.

Thanks for your help!
