sorting of userstory
actually i tried to move multiple storys between sprints.
To achieve this i was in the sprint view in my sprint 36.
I took a story and removed it from that sprint.
Then i switched to sprint 35 and tried to add the story.
What happens was that this Story was somewhere in the list of all user stories. Not at the top but somewhere inbetween.
I started to search for that story which is annoying especially when i know that i had to do this for 5 more storys.
I found out that you sort the storys per Theme, and this particular story was somewhere in the middle.
im not sure how to solve that really well. Solutions which sounds well for me are:
- make it possible to move storys between sprints even in sprint view.
- make it possible to move multiple storys between sprints even in sprint view.
- make it possible to search for storys in sprint view (search in unassigned storys) searching for Story ID would be enough for me.
Just a few rough ideas

Hi Roger
We did actually consider the idea of letting you drag a story directly onto a sprint tab, thus allowing you to move stories directly between sprints. Do you think that would be a) useful, and b) obvious to users. My gut feeling tells me that it would fail on b)
I agree search would be useful here, we will see if we can add a simple keyword filter.

Hi Matt,
oh yes adding storys to a sprint with Drag and Drop would be awesome!
Just make sure that this works everywhere (in sprint and in backlog view).
I think especially new users have no problems to realize that this feature exists.
Because in the meantime u can do so much with D&D in easybacklog, i tried it myself when i first started with this Software.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Roger
We did actually consider the idea of letting you drag a story directly onto a sprint tab, thus allowing you to move stories directly between sprints. Do you think that would be a) useful, and b) obvious to users. My gut feeling tells me that it would fail on b)
I agree search would be useful here, we will see if we can add a simple keyword filter.