Under review

Associated ticket ID field

Paul Gannaway 14 years ago updated by Matthew O'Riordan (Founder) 13 years ago 1
Would be good to have a field to enter an associated ticket ID, ideally printed under the Story ID (I have to write this on the ticket each time I print them, which can be 3 or 4 times a sprint)


Under review
Hi Paul

Seems this request slipped through the net.  Can you not put the ticket ID into one of the existing fields?  I am just wary of adding more fields that most people won't use most of the time, making things that much more cluttered.

Can you not just put that in the acceptance criteria i.e. resolve ticket ID X?
Under review
Hi Paul

Seems this request slipped through the net.  Can you not put the ticket ID into one of the existing fields?  I am just wary of adding more fields that most people won't use most of the time, making things that much more cluttered.
